CTFO CBD Oil Drops – full spectrum are small bottles of liquid high-potency, Pure Hemp Oil, sometimes called tinctures. The dosage you take is 20 drops which are ½ dropper full of oil under your tongue once in the morning and once again in the evening. There are 50 servings of Premium CBD Oil per bottle. The 4 different potencies are 300mg, 500mg, 750mg, and 1500mg. You take the same amount regardless of which one you’re using, it’s just the higher the mg the more potent it is. All 4 CBD Oil choices contain a full spectrum of Cannabinoids, Antioxidants, bioflavonoids, and terpenes.
What are the Health Benefits of High-Quality CTFO CBD OIL
Hemp-based CBD OIL helps to relieve anxiety, support healthy blood sugar, reduce cravings, aid in digestion, support optimal immune function, and the regeneration of healthy cells.
To order click on the shop button below.
– Then Choose the CBD Drops Category
-Then choose your desired CBD oil product or products and add them to the cart.
SHOP CTFO CBD Oil is made from Non-GMO, Pesticide Free, CO2 Extracted Hemp Oil using only organic ingredients. And like all our products, they’re manufactured in the USA in a registered GMP, cruelty-free facility.
Blood Sugar Reduction
Hello Everyone… Well, I guess it’s time for a Testimonial, I’ve been taking my drops now for two solid weeks and as a diabetic, I was hoping to see a slight improvement in my blood sugar numbers.
Much to my surprise this morning when I took my sugar levels I was actually at 99 which for a diabetic Is amazing. (26-point drop in two weeks)
Now, I haven’t changed my diet or anything else radical in my life.
I can completely attribute this life-changing event to my CBD oil. (500 mg strength)
Also, let us not leave out the overall benefit of just feeling better.
I’m looking forward to seeing my doctor soon to discuss a reduction in my daily meds.
So let’s keep the faith and march on to bring wellness to the world!!!
Conrad Szambelan
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